Delete message on facebook - FPlus
You can delete message on facebook.
You can delete message on facebook.
You can search message on profile or on page by keyword.
FPlus help you send mutil message: send message for page, for UID friend of 1 UID, UID comment post, comment page.
You can send message by page for UID comment on page or comment on post.
FPlus help you add moderator on facebook.
FPlus help you accpet all join group request on facebook.
You can invite friends to join event on facebook.
FPlus help you invite friend watch general video on facebook.
FPlus help you invite friends watch livestream on facebook.
You can cancel join group request on facebook.
Become admin of facebook groups that have no admins.
You can delete member group on facebook.
Nick needs to join the group will submit a request to join the group, then nick was in the group will confirm your request to join the group.
FPlus help you search & scan group information and filter group by condition.
FPlus help you cancel friend request sent on facebook.
FPlus help you confirmed friends. you can select conditions of friend to confirmed friend
FPlus help you copy album from page and profile and post your wall, page. You can select album, edit name, description for new album.
FPlus help you edit posted in your wall, group or page facebook.
FPlus help you post photos, general video to group you’ve join on facebook. Friends in the group will receive notifications, invitations to general video in this group.
FPlus help you share post in group on facebook. You can scheduler post in group facebook you want.