FPlus Documentation
Scan comment realtime on facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you scan comment realtime in page, group. You can saved list scanned email, phone.
Auto out group facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you auto out group on facebook. You can select group want out and select conditions of group to out.
Happy birthday friend on facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you send happy birthday to your friend on facebook.
Backup checkpoint friend facebook - FPlus
You can select and down file backup checkpoint friend with FPlus.
Unfollow friend facebook - FPlus
You can unfollow friend on facebook with FPlus.
Auto unfriend on facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you unfriend on facebook. You can select conditions of friend, click to only check and not unfriend.
Comment up using tab facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you comment up post on facebook by using tab. You can open many new tab and use mutiple account.
Post group using tab on facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you post in groups on facebook by using tab.
Send message to members of group on facebook - FPlus
You can send message to members of group. You can select groups on facebook and find members of group to send message.
Send message to friend of UID on facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you send message to friend of UID.
Send message to page on facebook - FPlus
FPlus help you send message to page you want. You can find page by keyword and enter contents of message.
Backup friend photo on facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
FPlus help you backup friend photo on facebook to pass checkpoint facebook.
Leaving the group approve on facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
FPlus help you leave the group approve on facebook. You can use mutiple account by leaving the group approve.
Seeding rating page facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
You can seeding rating page on facebook with mutiple account by seeding rating page token.
Seeding follow on facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
FPlus help you seeding follow UID you want. You can use mutiple account by seeding follow token.
Copy group to list token facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
FPlus help you copy group to list token: add friend and invite token to group facebook. You can use mutiple account with copy group to list token.
Accept friend request on facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
FPlus help you accept friend request on facebook. You can select conditions of friend to accept with mutiple account by accept friend request token.
Send message friend on facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
FPlus help you send message friend. You can use mutiple account to send message by send message friend token.