Best way to marketing in Facebook Check out our options and features included.
FPLUS Features
Facebook message to group
Automatic postings, images Website link up the entire group, on the walls friends.
Share article
AutoShare all signed, photo album, video, event, webiste link ... on the entire group, the walls friends.
Published on Pages
Automatic posting and sharing articles on the list page by keyword or ID found from the graph search.
Send a message
Automatically send messages to all members of the group.
Automatically post to head up comments
Automatic comment and post to head up the group.
Avoid block
The software automatically stop when warned of Facebook spam.
Search Graph Search
Search for target customers in a variety of conditions UID output to spam messages.
Search Page and Group
Search page and contain your target group have a member like page or group.
Spam comment on articles in Pages & Groups
Spam comments with pictures or links to new articles published in the pages or groups.
Find groups by keyword and automatically join the group found.
Invite to Group
Automatically invite a friend to all of your team.
Automatically send a friend invitation
Automatically send a friend invitation series suggested by facebook.

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