FPlus Documentation
Invite like page on facebook - FPlus Token & Cookie
You can invite list your friends like page. You can enter list ID page want to invite friends with mutiple account by invite like page token.
FPlus > FPlus Token & Cookie > Invite like page
Step 1: Add account.

Step 2: Enter informations.

Step 3: Setting time and click “Start”.

You can invite list your friends like page. You can enter list ID page want to invite friends with mutiple account by invite like page token.
FPlus > FPlus Token & Cookie > Invite like page
Step 1: Add account.
- Enter list of token ( 1 token line 1).
- Click “Add”.

Step 2: Enter informations.
- Enter list ID page want to invite.
- Select number of token run per thread.

Step 3: Setting time and click “Start”.